"Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?"

Psalm 85:6

"But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven."

Matthew 19:14

Robert and Jan Teel are full-time evangelists, conducting revivals, special services, Kidz Krusades and Christmas Extravaganzas.

In revival services- both of them minister as they feel led by the Holy Spirit.  Jan ministers in special music.

A typical Kidz Krusade service would go like this:

  • Shadrack, the dog, shares a skit based on a story from the Bible.
  • Now it's offering contest time between the "girlz" and "boyz."  This is always an exciting time for the kidz.
  • Next is a time of "Kidz Praize and Worship."  We sing fun, action songs; inspiring songs and Kidz Worship songs.
  • Then Bubba and/or Babbie Babbles, an awesome singing duo, share a cool, awesome song with the kidz.
  • Kidz love learning verses from the Bible with the help of Moody, the Memory Monkey.  With Moody, you never know which “version” he is going to quote. Sometimes it’s the “Moody” version.
  • Next "Mz Jan" shares an inspirational story with the children followed with an invitation for the children to come and ask Jesus Christ to come into their hearts or to pray for other needs that the children have.  This is the most important part of the entire service.
  • Last, but certainly not least is Mr. Ugly.  Mr. Ugly is vitally important to the services.  His job is to observe the girlz and boyz during the service; then after the altar service is completed, Mr. Ugly chooses the best-behaved girl and boy and they get to come on stage, talk to him and he gives them a prize.  However, Mr. Ugly is allergic to fingers.  If you touch his nose, he goes into a sneezing frenzy!  He is the best "sneezer" in the world!
  • A typical Kidz Krusade service lasts about an hour and a half

A Christmas Extravaganza is like a Kidz Krusade service - but it's all about Christmas.  The puppets are dressed for Christmas.  The puppet stage is decorated for Christmas.  The skit, songs, memory verse and lesson are about Christmas.  Typically the Christmas Extravaganza is on Sunday Morning and Robert preaches Sunday evening - or vice versa.

Kidz Krusade

Christmas Extravaganza


About us

Robert Teel was born in Ada, Oklahoma and raised in Baldwin Park, California, near Los Angeles.  In high school, he was a National Champion on the Rings event in the sport of Gymnastics.  Many experts believed he was destined to win a gold medal for the United States in the Olympics.  However, at the height of his Gymnastics career, he began to abuse drugs and alcohol, shattering all hopes for Olympic competition.

After descending to the depth of sin and ruin, on the brink of suicide, he was miraculously saved and instantly delivered from alcohol and drugs on January 31, 1972, at his grandparents' home in Tishomingo, Oklahoma.  Robert has been in full-time ministry for forty-five years - 35 years as a full-time evangelist.  He has preached all across the United States and in Canada.  He has preached camp meetings in Oklahoma, Texas and West Virginia.

God healed his burned-out mind and gave him a unique, God-given ability to quote the Word of God.

Robert is uniquely talented and has mastered several puppet voices; Shadrack, the dog; Moody the Memory Monkey and Mr. Ugly.  He also does ventriloquism.

He is an ordained minister with the Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God.

Jan was born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.  As a "PK" (preacher's kid), she grew up "all over" Oklahoma and some of Arkansas.  Jan felt the call of God on her life at the age of nine, and preached her first sermon at age 11.  In her late teens and early 20's she conducted Kidz Krusades in Oklahoma and Texas.  She is an accomplished musician on the piano and sings under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  She loves to share her personal testimony of the saving, keeping power of God and the faithfulness of our loving, heavenly Father - through the good times and bad times, joy and sorrow - in every situation, He's still faithful.

Under the direction of the Holy Spirit, Jan writes puppet skits and Kidz stories. She is also an Ordained minister with the Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God.

The Teels proclaim a message of hope to a hurting world.  Many have come to Christ and experienced God's saving, healing, delivering power through their anointed ministry.

© Copyright Robert and Jan Teel Ministries